Mental health

''A state in which individuals realize their potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully, and are able to contribute to their community.''
Definition of mental health, World Health Organisation

What is mental health?

Mental health is currently defined by the World Health Organisation as ‘’a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to contribute to her or his community.’’

In recent years, the view on mental health has shifted from a negative definition ("the absence of mental illnesses") and nowadays the  positive aspects of mental health are embraced and emphasized. Mental health is no longer about mental illnesses, but includes the level of functioning of individuals. The term mental health refers to the mental health continuum that ranges from languishing to flourishing*. This continuum is explained in the video below. 

Mental well-being is a state of positive mental health in which individuals experience feelings of happiness and life satisfaction, function well psychologically, and are capable of self-realisation**.

*Keyes, C. L. (2002). The mental health continuum: From languishing to flourishing in life. Journal of health and social behavior, 43, 207-222. 

**Tennant, R., Hiller, L., Fishwick, R., Platt, S., Joseph, S., Weich, S., ... & Stewart-Brown, S. (2007). The Warwick-Edinburgh mental well-being scale (WEMWBS): development and UK validation. Health and Quality of life Outcomes, 5, 63.

FLAME mental health in football academies

Explanation of the continuum of mental health